Members present: Amar, Ray, Manoj, Saad, Sandeep, and Harsha (on phone)
Review and pass minutes of meeting on September 26, 2010
Unanimously approved.
Update from Poonam and Simma
As part of the progress with respect to the Horizons grant – we’ve hired a consultant and are in the process of creating a strategic plan. We are talking to the community and connecting with partner organizations for feedback to identify opportunities. Poonam and Simma are in In the process of analysing the results from the survey. The tentative plan is to digest the information with a half-day workshop with the board in early December. Announce the results to the community in a town-hall to engage with the community on the feedback early next year.
The Treasurer will provide a draft version of the budget by the end of the week (Oct 30th)
Donor letter
The Treasurer proposes a letter of thanks for donors. Unanimously approved.
Pride activities in South Asia
The secretary brought up the possibility of supporting pride activities in South Asia. Supporting international activities is not currently part of the Trikone mission statement. The board noted that we cannot make direct contributions, but we can provide space for volunteers who want to solicit resources for these activities at Trikone events.
Trikone’s involvement in the NQAPIA summit
Trikone will offer to raise awareness about the NQAPIA summit in the community. However, Trikone does not currently have the resources to provide organizational/logistical assistance.
Magazine update
Contract has been drawn up between Trikone and Red and Burgundy as proposed and voted online. Planned release date for the next issue is 3rd week of November.
Posting minutes online
Minutes will be posted online after they have been approved in a subsequent meeting. Unanimously approved.